Missing curators the division 2
Missing curators the division 2

missing curators the division 2

Once you’re at the point of the castle settlement it’s pretty easy take a right out of the Southern exit and you’ll spot a ramp that slops down underground on your right. The latter increase your rate of fire while the former is simply a cosmetic. Make your way through the door and descend the ladder to encounter Jane Applegate – who’ll provide you your next assignment.įinish this third mission to grab a Retro Field Uniform in addition to a Nimble Link Belt Blueprint. Now yo’ll need to get into the car park by mounting the grassy area nearby, you should now see a white van with a door beside it. Make your way along the chain link fence to the West and there’ll be a set of gates – bust them open. Head to (or fast travel) the Truman safe house in Foggy Bottom and then take the exit to the North when you arrive. The third of our Division 2 secret side missions guide can unsurprisingly be located near the control point for Navy Hill (the name gave it away). Open it up and head right and you’ll find William Bromley next to a caravan ready to hand over your next secret side mission.įinish this mission to be rewarded with a 3.4x C79 scope blueprint which can be used for all long top rail weapons. You should see another flag in front of you representing gay pride, take the left door next to it and there’ll be another door in the room you’ll need to open. Ignore the resource node and then take a right turn down an alleyway just past the structure that has three US flags outside.


Next up you’ll want to head to the Constitution Hall Archive safe house (fast travel if not nearby), once there exit through the West entry point and head up 20th St NW in a Northern direction. The blueprint is called the Force Feed: 45 ACP Mag. If you complete this one you’ll get an extended magazine blueprint which fits all 45 ACP SMGs. Speak to him and the first Division 2 secret side missions location is yours. Head to the interior and open the door, head down the steps to stumble into another safe house with a man named Stephen Shore inside. Head directly toward and through the white fence to be greeted by a pile of rubbish on fire. Now head in a Northern direction and you’ll come across a house made of bricks on the right with rubbish outside. The very first of our Division 2 secret side missions is located in the West End area after you leave the Attic safe House, take the exit to the South East before heading towards St NW from 25th.


Not only do the Division 2 secret side missions provide loot drops as you’d expect, but completing them will reward you with bonuses such as weapon mods and blueprints that you won’t get elsewhere. Division 2 secret side missions – reap the rewards If you’ve done everything else then any completionist will want to know where these Division 2 secret side missions are actually located – that’s where we come in. when we say secret what we really mean is hidden, as in they don’t show on your map until you’ve gone off the beaten track to find the person to give them to you. The same thing seems to go for all orange boxes in the game.While scouring the Washington D.C map in the Division 2 you’ll have been so busy hammering control points, main missions and other activities you never even noticed the Division 2 secret side missions. The Hyena caches in Division 2 reset in 24 hours after the last time you opened them, not after the first time. I put the word “issue” in quotes because it’s not exactly a real issue more of a misunderstanding, really.

missing curators the division 2

To solve the Hyena Chest reset “issue” that has been plaguing Division 2 players trying to obtain the Chatterbox Exotic SMG, you have to let 24 hours pass after the last time you opened it.


Division 2 Hyena Chests Reset – Chatterbox Exotic SMG Issue How to Solve Hyena Chest Reset Issue with Division 2 Chatterbox Exotic SMG? That being the case, here’s our Division 2 Hyena Chests Reset – Chatterbox Exotic SMG Issue guide to explain what the problem is and how to solve it. Turns out, the chests are on a timer, and you might have been resetting said timer without even knowing it. The situation is that people have been having trouble making the Division 2 Hyena crates to respawn. Hyena chest reset issue in Division 2 has been causing problems for players that are trying to obtain the Chatterbox Exotic SMG.

Missing curators the division 2